Sermon 11.10.19

Jesus's Mission / November 11, 2019

The Holy Week Observer Wowee, what a week it has been so far. This Jesus of Nazareth has provided me with the three most interesting days of my life. Oh pardon, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Levi and I am a merchant in Bethany. I have come up to Jerusalem to celebrate […]

Sermon 11.3.19

Witness / November 11, 2019

The tale of two Rich Men Zacchaeus is one of the more well known figures in the bible. It is a story practically hand made for a children’s bible. A man who stole from people but after Jesus interacts with him he repents of his wrong doing and faithfully gives to everyone that he wronged. […]

Sermon 10.27.19

Freedom / November 11, 2019

What must I do to be saved? Martin Luther was a man, born in 1483, and on Oct. 31, 1517 he posted the 95 Theses, 95 statements on the door of the castle church in Wittenberg, Germany. The primary tenants discussed in the statements included the selling of indulgences, the authority of the Pope, the […]

Sermon 10.20.19

Prayer / November 11, 2019

The Faith of the Widow   I mentioned to Mary after the Festival yesterday that it was time for me to go write my sermon. She told me to just wing it, so here we go…actually I did prepare a sermon, mostly because this parable comes practically wrapped with a bow as the first verse […]

Sermon 10.13.19

The Good News / October 14, 2019

A Story worth telling Stories have a way of transporting us to new places. A good story will often give you glimpses into the thoughts and feelings of the protagonist in such a way that you cannot help but think and feel the same way.  Growing up some of my favorite books to read were […]

Sermon 10.6.19

Faith / October 14, 2019

The Faith of a Mustard Seed And Jesus said to his disciples, Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come. It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one […]

Sermon 9.29.19

Jesus's Mission / October 5, 2019

And the Award Goes To Miracle on 34th Street, A Street Car Named Desire, Ben-Hur, West Side Story, The Godfather Part II, The Untouchables, City Slickers, The Fugitive, The Usual Suspects, Jerry Maguire, Good Will Hunting. This odd collection of films all share something in common, and it is not that these are the movies […]

Sermon 9.22.19

Stewardship / September 24, 2019

Should We All Be Robinhood?   Growing up, one of my favorite heroes was Robinhood. He was the one who fought the oppressive and selfish rich people and gave everything he took to the poorest and neediest. It seemed like a great narrative. I especially enjoyed the silly Disney cartoon version. The sly foxy Robinhood […]

Sermon 9.8.19

Discipleship / September 9, 2019

Hate is a Strong Word   I hate you dad! Words no father enjoys hearing, especially not from his 15 year old daughter. This was the first time he had heard it uttered from her lips. Time stood still as a wave of thoughts crashed into his mind. “What did I do to deserve that […]

Sermon 9.1.19

Humility / September 3, 2019

Eating Humble Pie Our gospel lesson for today, while all taking place at the same meal, really informs us and instructs us on three very different points. These 14 verses could easily be done as a 3 part series or perhaps as one really long sermon with 3 separate main points. As tempting as delivering […]